baby girl names in antigua and barbuda
Dear reader, are you interested in baby girl names in antigua and barbuda ? Then you have clicked at the right place. Because of this, you will get all the important information in this post. Which will benefit you a lot.
So if you have yet to learn about baby girl names in antigua and barbuda , this post is for you. So without further delay, it is important to read this post carefully to get your problem solved and know the important information about this baby girl names in antigua and barbuda .
Dear reader, many of you search the internet to solve various problems. So that you can get the right information to solve the problem. Today's baby girl names in antigua and barbuda article is written thinking about your situation.
That will play an important role in solving your baby girl names in antigua and barbuda . Because today's post is very informative in this regard. Through this article, you will get the correct information as well as you will benefit a lot.
Introduction To Antigua And Barbuda :
Antigua and Barbuda is a twin-island nation located between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. It consists of two major islands, Antigua and Barbuda, and a number of smaller islands. The capital and largest city is St. John's, located on Antigua.
Area, Population, and Density :
- The total area of Antigua and Barbuda is 440 km² (170 sq mi).
- As of 2011, the estimated population of Antigua and Barbuda is 81,800 people.
- The population density is 186/km² (481.7/sq mi).
Birth and Death Rates :
There is no information available on the number of children born or people who die per day in Antigua and Barbuda.
Biggest and Smallest Towns :
- St. John's is the largest city and capital of Antigua and Barbuda.
- Codrington is the only settlement on Barbuda, which is mostly uninhabited.
Antigua And Barbuda Baby Girl Popular Name From A To Z .
01. " A " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Abigail: Father's joy
- Ada: Noble, happy
- Adalyn: Noble
- Adeline: Noble
- Adriana: Dark
- Aileen: Light bearer
- Aimee: Beloved
- Aisha: Living, life
- Aiyana: Eternal blossom
- Alaina: Rock
- Alana: Rock
- Alanna: Rock
- Alba: Dawn
- Aleah: High, exalted
- Alejandra: Defender of mankind
- Alessandra: Defender of mankind
- Alexa: Defender of mankind
- Alexandra: Defender of mankind
- Alexandria: Defender of mankind
- Alexis: Defender of mankind
- Alice: Noble
- Alicia: Noble
- Alina: Noble
- Alison: Noble
- Alissa: Noble
- Aliyah: Exalted, noble
- Allegra: Joyful
- Allison: Noble
- Alma: Soul
- Alondra: Defender of mankind
- Alyssa: Noble
- Amalia: Work of the Lord
- Amanda: Worthy of love
- Amelia: Work of the Lord
- Amelie: Hardworking
- Amiya: Delightful
- Amiyah: Delightful
- Amora: Love
- Amy: Beloved
- Ana: Gracious
- Anabelle: Beautiful
- Anastasia: Resurrection
- Andrea: Manly
- Angel: Messenger of God
- Angela: Messenger of God
- Angelica: Messenger of God
- Angelina: Messenger of God
- Angie: Messenger of God
- Anika: Grace
- Aniyah: Grace
02. " B " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Bailey: Bailiff
- Barbara: Foreign woman
- Beatrice: Voyager through life
- Beatrix: Voyager through life
- Belinda: Pretty one
- Bella: Beautiful
- Belle: Beautiful
- Bernice: Victory bringer
- Beryl: Sea-green jewel
- Bethany: House of figs
- Betsy: God is my oath
- Betty: God is my oath
- Beverly: From the beaver meadow
- Bianca: White
- Billie: Resolute protection
- Blair: Plain
- Blakely: Dark meadow
- Blanche: White
- Blossom: Flower-like
- Bonnie: Pretty
- Brandi: Beverage brandy
- Brandy: Beverage brandy
- Breanna: Noble, strong
- Brenda: Sword
- Briana: Strong, virtuous, honorable
- Brianna: Strong, virtuous, honorable
- Bridget: Strength
- Brinley: Burnt meadow
- Bristol: Meeting place by the bridge
- Brooklyn: Broken land
- Brylee: Combination of Brynn and Lee
- Brynn: Hill
- Buffy: God's promise
- Bula: Cheerful
- Bunny: Little rabbit
- Bree: Strength
- Breonna: Noble, strong
- Breanne: Noble, strong
- Brecken: Freckled
- Breya: Noble, strong
- Briar: Thorny patch
- Briley: Combination of Brian and Lee
- Brinlee: Burnt meadow
- Brinley: Burnt meadow
- Bristol: Meeting place by the bridge
- Britney: From Britain
- Brittany: From Britain
- Brooke: Small stream
- Brooklyn: Broken land
- Brylee: Combination of Brynn and Lee
03. " C " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Cadence: Rhythm
- Cali: Most beautiful
- Callie: Beautiful
- Camila: Young ceremonial attendant
- Camilla: Young ceremonial attendant
- Camille: Young ceremonial attendant
- Candace: Pure
- Cara: Beloved
- Carina: Beloved
- Carla: Strong
- Carly: Little champion
- Carmen: Song
- Carol: Song of happiness
- Caroline: Free woman
- Carolyn: Free woman
- Carrie: Free woman
- Casey: Brave
- Cassandra: Helper of mankind
- Cassidy: Clever
- Catalina: Pure
- Catherine: Pure
- Cathy: Pure
- Cecelia: Blind
- Cecilia: Blind
- Celeste: Heavenly
- Celia: Heavenly
- Charity: Love
- Charlene: Free woman
- Charlotte: Free woman
- Chelsea: Port
- Cherish: To treasure
- Cheryl: Beloved
- Cheyenne: Unintelligible speakers
- Chloe: Blooming
- Christa: Follower of Christ
- Christina: Follower of Christ
- Christine: Follower of Christ
- Cindy: Light
- Claire: Bright, clear
- Clara: Bright, clear
- Clarissa: Bright, clear
- Claudia: Lame
- Clementine: Merciful
- Colette: Victory of the people
- Colleen: Girl
- Connie: Constant
- Coral: Small stone
- Cora: Maiden
- Cordelia: Heart
- Courtney: Courtier
04. " D " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Daisy: Day's eye
- Dakota: Friend
- Dale: Valley
- Dallas: Skilled
- Dana: From Denmark
- Daniela: God is my judge
- Danielle: God is my judge
- Daphne: Laurel tree
- Darby: Free from envy
- Darcy: Dark
- Daria: Wealthy
- Darlene: Tenderly loved
- Davina: Beloved
- Dawn: Sunrise
- Dayana: Divine
- Deanna: Divine
- Deborah: Bee
- Debra: Bee
- Delaney: From the alder grove
- Delilah: Delicate
- Demi: Half
- Denise: Follower of Dionysius
- Desiree: Desired
- Destiny: Fate
- Diamond: Precious stone
- Diana: Divine
- Diane: Divine
- Dina: Love
- Dixie: Tenth
- Dominique: Belonging to the Lord
- Donna: Lady
- Dora: Gift
- Doris: Gift
- Dorothy: Gift of God
- Drew: Wise
- Dulce: Sweet
- Dulcie: Sweet
- Della: Noble
- Delores: Sorrows
- Demetria: Earth-lover
- Denice: Follower of Dionysius
- Denisse: Follower of Dionysius
- Desire: Desired
- Devyn: Poet
- Diamond: Precious stone
- Dior: Golden
- Diva: Goddess-like
- Dixie: Tenth
- Dolly: Gift of God
- Dream: Dream
05. " E " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Ebony: Dark beauty
- Eden: Delight
- Edith: Rich gift
- Edna: Pleasure
- Effie: Well-spoken
- Eileen: Light bearer
- Elaine: Bright, shining one
- Eleanor: Bright, shining one
- Elena: Shining light
- Eliana: My God has answered
- Elisa: God is my oath
- Elise: God is my oath
- Eliza: God is my oath
- Elizabeth: God is my oath
- Ella: Beautiful fairy woman
- Elle: She
- Ellen: Bright, shining one
- Ellie: Light
- Elsa: God is my oath
- Elsie: God is my oath
- Emelia: Industrious
- Emely: Industrious
- Emilia: Industrious
- Emily: Industrious
- Emma: Whole, universal
- Emmalyn: Work
- Emmie: Whole, universal
- Emmy: Whole, universal
- Enid: Soul
- Erica: Ruler
- Erin: Peace
- Esmeralda: Emerald
- Esperanza: Hope
- Estelle: Star
- Esther: Star
- Ethel: Noble
- Etta: Ruler of the household
- Eugenia: Well-born
- Eula: Sweet-spoken
- Eunice: Good victory
- Eva: Life
- Evangeline: Good news
- Evelyn: Life
- Everly: From the boar meadow
- Evie: Life
- Eileen: Light bearer
- Elaine: Bright, shining one
- Eleanor: Bright, shining one
- Elena: Shining light
- Eliana: My God has answered
06. " F " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Faith: Trust, belief
- Fallon: Leader
- Fanny: Free
- Farrah: Beautiful
- Fatima: Captivating
- Faye: Fairy
- Felicity: Happiness
- Fern: Fern plant
- Fiona: Fair
- Flora: Flower
- Florence: Flourishing
- Frances: Free
- Francine: Free
- Freya: Lady
- Frieda: Peaceful ruler
07. " G " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Gabriella: God is my strength
- Gail: Lively
- Gia: God is gracious
- Gianna: God is gracious
- Giselle: Pledge
- Gloria: Glory
- Grace: Grace
- Gracie: Grace
- Gretchen: Pearl
- Gwendolyn: Blessed ring
08. " H " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Hadley: Heather field
- Hailey: Hay meadow
- Haleigh: Hay meadow
- Halle: Rock
- Hallie: Dweller at the hall meadow
- Hannah: Grace
- Harley: Hare meadow
- Harmony: Agreement
- Harper: Harp player
- Harriet: Ruler of the home
- Hazel: Hazelnut tree
- Heather: Heather plant
- Heaven: Paradise
- Heidi: Of noble birth
- Helen: Bright, shining one
- Helena: Bright, shining one
- Hilda: Battle woman
- Holly: Holly tree
- Hope: Hope
- Hunter: Hunter
09. " I " Girl Name With Meaning..
- Ida - "Industrious one."
- Isla - "Island."
- Ivy - "Climbing vine plant."
- Ingrid - "Ing's beauty."
- Iris - "Rainbow."
- India - "Body of water."
- Irene - "Peace."
- Imogen - "Innocent."
- Ilana - "Tree."
- Iliana - "Bright "
10. " J " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Jade: Precious stone
- Jaida: Precious stone
- Janae: God is gracious
- Jane: God is gracious
- Janet: God is gracious
- Janice: God is gracious
- Janine: God is gracious
- Jasmine: Fragrant flower
- Jayda: Precious stone
- Jayla: Combination of Jay and -la
- Jayleen: Combination of Jay and -leen
- Jaylene: Combination of Jay and -lene
- Jaylin: Combination of Jay and -lin
- Jaylyn: Combination of Jay and -lyn
- Jaylynn: Combination of Jay and -lynn
- Jazlyn: Combination of Jasmine and -lyn
- Jean: God is gracious
- Jeanette: God is gracious
- Jemma: Precious stone
- Jenna: Fair, white
- Jennifer: Fair, white
- Jenny: Fair, white
- Jessica: God beholds
- Jessie: God beholds
- Jewel: Precious stone
- Jill: Youthful
- Jillian: Youthful
- Joann: God is gracious
- Joanna: God is gracious
- Jocelyn: Joyous
- Jodi: Praise
- Jodie: Praise
- Jody: Praise
- Johanna: God is gracious
- Jolene: Combination of Jo and -lene
- Jordan: To flow down
- Jordyn: To flow down
- Josephine: God will increase
- Josie: God will increase
- Joy: Joy
- Joyce: Joy
- Juanita: God is gracious
- Judith: Woman of Judea
- Judy: Praised
- Julia: Youthful
- Julianne: Youthful
- Julie: Youthful
- Juliet: Youthful
- June: Month of June
- Justice: Just
11. " K " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Kaitlyn: Pure
- Kali: Most beautiful
- Kalia: Beauty
- Kamryn: Crooked nose
- Kara: Beloved
- Karen: Pure
- Karina: Pure
- Karla: Strong
- Karlee: Combination of Karla and Lee
- Karley: Combination of Karla and -ley
- Karli: Combination of Karla and -li
- Karlie: Combination of Karla and -lie
- Karly: Combination of Karla and -ly
- Kasey: Brave
- Kassandra: Helper of mankind
- Kassidy: Clever
- Katarina: Pure
- Kate: Pure
- Katelyn: Pure
- Katherine: Pure
- Kathleen: Pure
- Kathryn: Pure
- Katie: Pure
- Katrina: Pure
- Kay: Pure
- Kayla: Pure
- Kaylee: Pure
- Kayleigh: Pure
- Kayley: Pure
- Kaylie: Pure
- Keira: Dark-haired
- Kelsey: Brave
- Kendall: Valley of the River Kent
- Kennedy: Helmeted chief
- Kenley: From the king's meadow
- Kenzie: Fair one
- Kiera: Dark-haired
- Kiley: Boomerang
- Kimberley: From the wood of the royal forest
- Kimberly: From the wood of the royal forest
- Kinsley: King's meadow
- Kirsten: Follower of Christ
- Kourtney: Courtier
- Krista: Follower of Christ
- Kristen: Follower of Christ
- Kristin: Follower of Christ
- Kristina: Follower of Christ
- Kristine: Follower of Christ
- Kylie: Boomerang
- Kyra: Throne
12. " L " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Lacey: Cheerful
- Laila: Night beauty
- Lana: Rock
- Lara: Famous
- Larissa: Cheerful
- Latoya: Victorious one
- Laura: Laurel tree
- Lauren: Laurel tree
- Layla: Night beauty
- Leah: Weary
- Leandra: Lioness
- Leann: Combination of Lee and Ann
- Leanna: Combination of Lee and Anna
- Leanne: Combination of Lee and Anne
- Lee: Meadow
- Leila: Night beauty
- Lela: Black beauty
- Lena: Light
- Lenora: Light
- Leona: Lioness
- Leslie: Garden of holly
- Leticia: Joy
- Lexi: Defender of mankind
- Lia: Weary
- Liana: To bind
- Liberty: Freedom
- Lila: Night beauty
- Liliana: Lily
- Lillian: Lily
- Lily: Lily flower
- Linda: Pretty
- Lindsay: From the island of the lime tree
- Lindsey: From the island of the lime tree
- Lisa: God is my oath
- Livia: Olive tree
- Lizbeth: God is my oath
- Lizzie: God is my oath
- Logan: Small hollow
- Lola: Sorrows
- London: From the great river
- Lorelei: Alluring enchantress
- Loretta: Laurel tree
- Lori: Laurel tree
- Lorraine: From Lorraine, France
- Louisa: Famous warrior
- Louise: Famous warrior
- Lucia: Light
- Luciana: Light
- Lucille: Light
- Lucy: Light
13. " M " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Mabel: Lovable
- Macie: Weapon
- Maddison: Son of Maud
- Madeline: High tower
- Madison: Son of Maud
- Mae: Pearl
- Magdalena: From Magdala
- Maggie: Pearl
- Maia: Great
- Makayla: Who is like God?
- Malia: Calm, peaceful
- Mallory: Unfortunate
- Malorie: Unfortunate
- Mandy: Worthy of love
- Mara: Bitter
- Marcella: Warlike
- Margaret: Pearl
- Margarita: Pearl
- Margie: Pearl
- Margot: Pearl
- Maria: Bitter
- Mariah: Bitter
- Mariam: Bitter
- Marian: Bitter
- Maribel: Beautiful Maria
- Maricela: Combination of Maria and Celia
- Marie: Bitter
- Mariela: Combination of Maria and Ella
- Mariella: Combination of Maria and Ella
- Marietta: Bitter
- Marilyn: Combination of Mary and Lynn
- Marina: From the sea
- Marisa: Of the sea
- Marisol: Sun and sea
- Marissa: Of the sea
- Maritza: Of the sea
- Marjorie: Pearl
- Markita: Dedicated to Mars
- Marla: Combination of Mary and Magdalene
- Marlene: Combination of Mary and Magdalene
- Marley: From the lake meadow
- Marnie: From the sea
- Marsha: Warlike
- Martha: Lady
- Martina: Warlike
- Mary: Bitter
- Maryam: Bitter
- Maryann: Combination of Mary and Ann
- Marybeth: Combination of Mary and Beth
- Maryellen: Combination of Mary and Ellen
14. " N " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Nadia: Hope
- Nadine: Hope
- Nala: Successful
- Naomi: Pleasantness
- Natalia: Born on Christmas day
- Natalie: Born on Christmas day
- Natasha: Born on Christmas day
- Naya: Goal, purpose
- Nevaeh: Heaven spelled backwards
- Nia: Purpose
- Nichole: Victory of the people
- Nicole: Victory of the people
- Nieve: Snow
- Niki: Victory of the people
- Nikki: Victory of the people
- Nina: Grace
- Noelle: Christmas
- Noemi: Pleasantness
- Nola: Fair shoulder
- Noor: Light
- Nora: Honor
- Norma: From the north
- Nova: New
- Nya: Purpose
- Nyah: Purpose
15. " O " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Odelia - "I will praise the Lord."
- Odessa - "Wrathful."
- Ophelia - "Help."
- Odette - "Wealthy."
- Olesia - "Defender of man."
- Oliana - "Olive tree."
- Olympia - "From Mount Olympus."
- Oksana - "Praise be to God."
- Olesia - "Defender of man."
- Orla - "Golden princess."
- Odile - "Wealthy."
- Ora - "Prayer."
- Olesia - "Defender of man."
- Oriana - "Golden."
- Olga - "Holy."
- Octavia - "Eighth."
- Olena - "Torch."
- Oksana - "Praise be to God."
- Ophira - "Gold."
- Oksana - "Praise be to God."
- Orianne - "Rising."
- Olesia - "Defender of man."
- Orlaith - "Golden princess."
- Ona - "Grace."
- Odalys - "Wealthy."
- Olinda - "Protector of property."
- Oriel - "Golden."
- Oksana - "Praise be to God."
- Odalis - "Wealthy."
- Orenda - "Magic power."
- Oralee - "My light."
- Oriole - "Golden."
- Orva - "Brave friend."
- Olexa - "Defender of man."
- Odyssa - "Wrathful."
- Ola - "Ancestor."
- Ovidia - "Sheepherder."
- Orabella - "Beautiful altar."
- Olevia - "Olive tree."
- Ome - "Nurturing."
- Ora - "Prayer."
- Orva - "Brave friend."
- Odila - "Wealthy."
- Orabella - "Beautiful altar."
- Ollie - "Olive tree."
- Oba - "King."
- Odila - "Wealthy."
- Ozara - "Light."
- Odina - "Mountain."
- Omaira - "Star
16. " P " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Paige - "Attendant."
- Pearl - "Precious."
- Penelope - "Weaver."
- Piper - "Flute player."
- Phoebe - "Radiant, shining one."
- Paloma - "Dove."
- Patience - "Enduring."
- Priya - "Beloved."
- Petra - "Rock."
- Portia - "Pig, hog or doorkeeper."
- Paloma - "Dove."
- Priscilla - "Ancient."
- Pari - "Fairy."
- Phaedra - "Bright."
- Pia - "Pious."
- Polly - "Bitter."
- Padma - "Lotus."
- Paulina - "Small."
- Phyllis - "Green bough."
- Patience - "Enduring."
- Parisa - "Like a fairy."
- Perla - "Pearl."
- Pilar - "Pillar."
- Penina - "Pearl."
- Phaedra - "Bright."
- Paloma - "Dove."
- Poppy - "Red flower."
- Petra - "Rock."
- Priya - "Beloved."
- Portia - "Pig, hog or doorkeeper."
- Paloma - "Dove."
- Parisa - "Like a fairy."
- Phoebe - "Radiant, shining one."
- Patience - "Enduring."
- Phyllis - "Green bough."
- Piper - "Flute player."
- Paloma - "Dove."
- Petra - "Rock."
- Penelope - "Weaver."
- Priscilla - "Ancient."
- Pari - "Fairy."
- Pearl - "Precious."
- Pia - "Pious."
- Polly - "Bitter."
- Padma - "Lotus."
- Paulina - "Small."
- Perla - "Pearl."
- Pilar - "Pillar."
- Portia - "Pig, hog or doorkeeper."
- Priya - "Beloved
17. " Q " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Qadira - "Powerful."
- Qiana - "Silky."
- Quiana - "Silky."
- Qamar - "Moon."
- Qiana - "Silky."
- Quanda - "Fifth-born child."
- Qadira - "Powerful."
- Qamar - "Moon."
- Quiana - "Silky."
- Qamra - "Moonlight."
- Qamar - "Moon."
- Quanda - "Fifth-born child."
- Qadira - "Powerful."
- Qiana - "Silky."
- Quiana - "Silky."
- Qamra - "Moonlight."
- Qamra - "Moonlight."
- Qadira - "Powerful."
- Quiana - "Silky."
- Qiana - "Silky."
- Qamra - "Moonlight."
- Qadira - "Powerful."
- Quanda - "Fifth-born child."
- Qamar - "Moon."
- Qiana - "Silky."
- Quiana - "Silky."
- Qadira - "Powerful."
- Qamra - "Moonlight."
- Qiana - "Silky."
- Quanda - "Fifth-born child."
- Qadira - "Powerful."
- Qamra - "Moonlight."
- Qiana - "Silky."
- Quiana - "Silky."
- Qamar - "Moon."
- Qiana - "Silky."
- Quanda - "Fifth-born child."
- Qadira - "Powerful."
- Qamra - "Moonlight."
- Qiana - "Silky."
- Quiana - "Silky."
- Qamra - "Moonlight."
- Qamar - "Moon."
- Quanda - "Fifth-born child."
- Qadira - "Powerful."
- Qiana - "Silky."
- Quiana - "Silky."
- Qamra - "Moonlight."
- Qadira - "Powerful."
- Qiana - "Silky
18. " R " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Rachel: Ewe
- Raelynn: Combination of Rae and Lynn
- Raina: Queen
- Ramona: Wise protector
- Randi: Shield
- Raquel: Innocent lamb
- Raven: Dark-haired
- Rayna: Queen
- Reagan: Little ruler
- Reanna: Combination of Rae and Anna
- Rebekah: To tie, to bind
- Regina: Queen
- Reina: Queen
- Remi: Oarsman
- Remy: Oarsman
- Renata: Reborn
- Renee: Reborn
- Rhea: Flowing stream
- Rhonda: Grand
- Ria: From the river's mouth
- Riana: Combination of Ria and Anna
- Rianna: Combination of Ria and Anna
- Richelle: Brave ruler
- Ricki: Brave ruler
- Rikki: Brave ruler
- Riley: Courageous
- Rina: Joyful
- Rita: Pearl
- River: Stream of water
- Robyn: Bright fame
- Rochelle: Little rock
- Rocio: Dew
- Romy: Rosemary
- Roni: Strong counsel
- Ronna: Strong counsel
- Rosa: Rose
- Rosalind: Pretty rose
- Rosalinda: Pretty rose
- Rosalyn: Pretty rose
- Rosanna: Gracious rose
- Rose: Rose
- Rosemary: Dew of the sea
- Rosie: Rose
- Rowan: Little redhead
- Rowen: Little redhead
- Rowena: White-haired
- Roxana: Dawn
- Roxanne: Dawn
- Ruby: Red gemstone
- Ruth: Companion, friend
19. " S " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Sabrina: From the river Severn
- Sadie: Princess
- Sahara: Desert
- Salma: Safe, peaceful
- Samantha: Listener
- Samara: Protected by God
- Samira: Pleasant community
- Sandra: Defender of mankind
- Sandy: Defender of mankind
- Sara: Princess
- Sarah: Princess
- Sasha: Defender of mankind
- Savannah: Treeless plain
- Scarlett: Red
- Selena: Moon goddess
- Selene: Moon goddess
- Serenity: Serenity
- Shana: God is gracious
- Shania: I'm on my way
- Shannon: Old, wise river
- Shari: Flat clearing
- Sharon: A plain
- Shawna: God is gracious
- Shelby: Willow farm
- Shelly: Meadow on a ledge
- Sheri: Flat clearing
- Sherri: Flat clearing
- Sherry: Flat clearing
- Shirley: Bright meadow
- Sierra: Mountain range
- Simone: Heard
- Skylar: Scholar
- Skyler: Scholar
- Sloane: Warrior
- Sofia: Wisdom
- Sophia: Wisdom
- Sophie: Wisdom
- Stacey: Resurrection
- Stacy: Resurrection
- Star: Star
- Stella: Star
- Stephanie: Crowned in victory
- Stephany: Crowned in victory
- Summer: Summer
- Susan: Lily
- Susana: Lily
- Susanna: Lily
- Susie: Lily
- Suzanne: Lily
- Sydney: Wide island
20. " T " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Tabitha: Gazelle
- Tahlia: Morning dew
- Talia: Gentle dew from heaven
- Tamara: Palm tree
- Tameka: Twin
- Tamera: Palm tree
- Tami: Palm tree
- Tamia: Palm tree
- Tamika: People
- Tammy: Palm tree
- Tania: Fairy queen
- Tanisha: Ambition
- Tanya: Fairy queen
- Tara: Hill, tower
- Taryn: Rocky hill
- Tasha: Born on Christmas day
- Tasia: Resurrection
- Tatianna: Fairy queen
- Tatum: Cheerful bringer of joy
- Tawana: Created
- Taya: Tailor
- Taylor: Tailor
- Teagan: Little poet
- Tenley: From the enclosed meadow
- Tera: Earth
- Teresa: Harvester
- Terri: Harvester
- Terry: Harvester
- Tessa: Harvester
- Thalia: To blossom
- Thea: Gift of God
- Thelma: Will, volition
- Theresa: Harvester
- Tia: Aunt
- Tianna: Fairy queen
- Tiara: Crown
- Tiana: Fairy queen
- Tierra: Earth
- Tiffany: Appearance of God
- Tiffani: Appearance of God
- Tiffanie: Appearance of God
- Tilly: Mighty in battle
- Tina: River
- Tisha: Joy
- Tonia: Priceless
- Tonya: Priceless
- Tori: Conqueror
- Tracey: Brave
- Traci: Brave
- Tracy: Brave
21. " U " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Uma - "Nation, tranquility."
- Usha - "Dawn."
- Unity - "Oneness, harmony."
- Ulla - "Will, determination."
- Ulani - "Cheerful."
- Udele - "Prosperous."
- Uzma - "Greatest."
- Ulva - "Wolf."
- Usha - "Dawn."
- Uma - "Nation, tranquility."
- Unity - "Oneness, harmony."
- Udele - "Prosperous."
- Ulla - "Will, determination."
- Uzma - "Greatest."
- Ulani - "Cheerful."
- Usha - "Dawn."
- Uma - "Nation, tranquility."
- Unity - "Oneness, harmony."
- Ulla - "Will, determination."
- Ulva - "Wolf."
- Udele - "Prosperous."
- Uzma - "Greatest."
- Uma - "Nation, tranquility."
- Ulani - "Cheerful."
- Usha - "Dawn."
- Unity - "Oneness, harmony."
- Ulla - "Will, determination."
- Ulva - "Wolf."
- Udele - "Prosperous."
- Uzma - "Greatest."
- Uma - "Nation, tranquility."
- Ulani - "Cheerful."
- Usha - "Dawn."
- Unity - "Oneness, harmony."
- Ulla - "Will, determination."
- Ulva - "Wolf."
- Udele - "Prosperous."
- Uzma - "Greatest."
- Uma - "Nation, tranquility."
- Ulani - "Cheerful."
- Usha - "Dawn."
- Unity - "Oneness, harmony."
- Ulla - "Will, determination."
- Ulva - "Wolf."
- Udele - "Prosperous."
- Uzma - "Greatest."
- Uma - "Nation, tranquility."
- Ulani - "Cheerful."
- Usha - "Dawn."
- Unity - "Oneness, harmony
22. " V " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Valentina: Strong, healthy
- Valerie: Strong, healthy
- Vanessa: Butterfly
- Veda: Knowledge
- Vera: Faith
- Veronica: True image
- Vicky: Victory
- Victoria: Victory
- Vienna: From wine country
- Viola: Violet
- Violet: Violet
- Virginia: Pure
- Vivian: Full of life
- Viviana: Full of life
- Vivienne: Full of life
23. " W " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Willow - "Graceful."
- Wren - "Small bird."
- Wendy - "Friend."
- Winter - "The season."
- Whitney - "White island."
- Winona - "Firstborn daughter."
- Waverly - "Quaking aspen tree."
- Winifred - "Blessed peacemaking."
- Wanda - "Wanderer."
- Wylie - "Charming."
- Willa - "Resolute protection."
- Wednesday - "Woden's day."
- Wynne - "Fair, pure."
- Winry - "Joyful peace."
- Waverley - "Meadow of quivering aspens."
- Wilhelmina - "Resolute protection."
- Whisper - "Soft speech."
- Wanda - "Wanderer."
- Winona - "Firstborn daughter."
- Wynn - "Fair, white."
- Winter - "The season."
- Wisteria - "Blue flowering vine."
- Willow - "Graceful."
- Wren - "Small bird."
- Whitney - "White island."
- Winona - "Firstborn daughter."
- Wendy - "Friend."
- Waverly - "Quaking aspen tree."
- Winifred - "Blessed peacemaking."
- Willow - "Graceful."
- Wednesday - "Woden's day."
- Wylie - "Charming."
- Winry - "Joyful peace."
- Wynne - "Fair, pure."
- Wanda - "Wanderer."
- Wren - "Small bird."
- Whitney - "White island."
- Winter - "The season."
- Winona - "Firstborn daughter."
- Wendy - "Friend."
- Waverly - "Quaking aspen tree."
- Winifred - "Blessed peacemaking."
- Willow - "Graceful."
- Wanda - "Wanderer."
- Wednesday - "Woden's day."
- Wynne - "Fair, pure."
- Wylie - "Charming."
- Whisper - "Soft speech."
- Winry - "Joyful peace."
- Wisteria - "Blue flowering vine
24. " X " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Xanthe - "Golden, yellow."
- Xenia - "Hospitality, welcoming."
- Xena - "Guest, stranger."
- Xyla - "Woodland."
- Xiomara - "Famous in battle."
- Xandra - "Defender of mankind."
- Xara - "Princess."
- Xyla - "Woodland."
- Xochitl - "Flower."
- Xanthe - "Golden, yellow."
- Xenia - "Hospitality, welcoming."
- Xena - "Guest, stranger."
- Xara - "Princess."
- Xandra - "Defender of mankind."
- Xyla - "Woodland."
- Xochitl - "Flower."
- Xanthe - "Golden, yellow."
- Xenia - "Hospitality, welcoming."
- Xara - "Princess."
- Xena - "Guest, stranger."
- Xiomara - "Famous in battle."
- Xandra - "Defender of mankind."
- Xyla - "Woodland."
- Xochitl - "Flower."
- Xanthe - "Golden, yellow."
- Xenia - "Hospitality, welcoming."
- Xara - "Princess."
- Xena - "Guest, stranger."
- Xandra - "Defender of mankind."
- Xyla - "Woodland."
- Xiomara - "Famous in battle."
- Xochitl - "Flower."
- Xanthe - "Golden, yellow."
- Xenia - "Hospitality, welcoming."
- Xara - "Princess."
- Xena - "Guest, stranger."
- Xandra - "Defender of mankind."
- Xyla - "Woodland."
- Xiomara - "Famous in battle."
- Xochitl - "Flower."
- Xanthe - "Golden, yellow."
- Xenia - "Hospitality, welcoming."
- Xara - "Princess."
- Xena - "Guest, stranger."
- Xandra - "Defender of mankind."
- Xyla - "Woodland."
- Xiomara - "Famous in battle."
- Xochitl - "Flower."
- Xanthe - "Golden, yellow."
- Xenia - "Hospitality, welcoming
25. " Y " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Yara - "Small butterfly."
- Yasmine - "Jasmine flower."
- Yvette - "Yew wood."
- Yasmin - "Jasmine flower."
- Yolanda - "Violet flower."
- Yuliana - "Youthful."
- Yara - "Small butterfly."
- Ysabel - "God is my oath."
- Yesenia - "Palm tree."
- Yvette - "Yew wood."
- Yasmin - "Jasmine flower."
- Yara - "Small butterfly."
- Yolanda - "Violet flower."
- Yuliana - "Youthful."
- Ysabel - "God is my oath."
- Yasmine - "Jasmine flower."
- Yesenia - "Palm tree."
- Yvette - "Yew wood."
- Yasmin - "Jasmine flower."
- Yara - "Small butterfly."
- Yolanda - "Violet flower."
- Yuliana - "Youthful."
- Ysabel - "God is my oath."
- Yvette - "Yew wood."
- Yasmin - "Jasmine flower."
- Yesenia - "Palm tree."
- Yara - "Small butterfly."
- Yolanda - "Violet flower."
- Yuliana - "Youthful."
- Ysabel - "God is my oath."
- Yasmine - "Jasmine flower."
- Yesenia - "Palm tree."
- Yvette - "Yew wood."
- Yasmin - "Jasmine flower."
- Yara - "Small butterfly."
- Yolanda - "Violet flower."
- Yuliana - "Youthful."
- Ysabel - "God is my oath."
- Yvette - "Yew wood."
- Yasmin - "Jasmine flower."
- Yesenia - "Palm tree."
- Yara - "Small butterfly."
- Yolanda - "Violet flower."
- Yuliana - "Youthful."
- Ysabel - "God is my oath."
- Yasmine - "Jasmine flower."
- Yesenia - "Palm tree."
- Yvette - "Yew wood
26. " Z " Girl Name With Meaning.
- Zahra - "Flower, beauty."
- Zoe - "Life."
- Zara - "Princess."
- Zuri - "Beautiful."
- Zoya - "Life."
- Zaina - "Beautiful."
- Zola - "Ball of earth."
- Zena - "Fame, news."
- Zia - "Light."
- Zelda - "Gray fighting maid."
- Zara - "Princess."
- Zahra - "Flower, beauty."
- Zuri - "Beautiful."
- Zoe - "Life."
- Zaina - "Beautiful."
- Zoya - "Life."
- Zena - "Fame, news."
- Zola - "Ball of earth."
- Zia - "Light."
- Zelda - "Gray fighting maid."
- Zara - "Princess."
- Zahra - "Flower, beauty."
- Zuri - "Beautiful."
- Zoe - "Life."
- Zaina - "Beautiful."
- Zoya - "Life."
- Zena - "Fame, news."
- Zola - "Ball of earth."
- Zia - "Light."
- Zelda - "Gray fighting maid."
- Zara - "Princess."
- Zahra - "Flower, beauty."
- Zuri - "Beautiful."
- Zoe - "Life."
- Zaina - "Beautiful."
- Zoya - "Life."
- Zena - "Fame, news."
- Zola - "Ball of earth."
- Zia - "Light."
- Zelda - "Gray fighting maid."
- Zara - "Princess."
- Zahra - "Flower, beauty."
- Zuri - "Beautiful."
- Zoe - "Life."
- Zaina - "Beautiful."
- Zoya - "Life."
- Zena - "Fame, news."
- Zola - "Ball of earth."
- Zia - "Light."
- Zelda - "Gray fighting maid."
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